+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ marmllvoc: A vocabulary learning program +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VERSION: 0.9.9 INDEX -===- 1 THE DOCUMENTATION 1.1 Scope of this document 2 ABOUT MARMLLVOC 2.1 Supported platforms and requirements 2.2 Developers of marmllvoc 2.3 Usage 3 INSTALLING / UNINSTALLING MARMLLVOC 3.1 Installing source code 3.2 Uninstalling source code 3.3 Known problems & solutions 4 CONFIGURATION OF MARMLLVOC 4.1 The Configfile 4.1.1 # LANGUAGE SEPARATOR-SECTION 4.1.2 # WORD SEPARATOR-SECTION 4.1.3 # TIPMODE-SECTION 4.1.4 # CASE SENSITIVE-SECTION 4.1.5 # CONFIG VERSION-SECTION 5 WHAT'S LEFT TO SAY 5.1 Why does marmllvoc exist ? 5.2 Freedom 5.3 Bugs 5.4 Feedback 5.5 GPL GNU General Public License 1 THE DOCUMENTATION 1.1 Scope of this document This is the end-user documentation of marmllvoc. It shows you how to install and configure marmllvoc. 2 ABOUT MARMLLVOC marmllvoc is a free, console-based vocabulary learning program for unix like systems. It is written in ANSI C under Linux so it will run on almost any unix-like machine. marmllvoc is distributed under the conditions of the GNU-GENERAL-PUBLIC-LICENSE (GPL). It reads in text files with the following structure: Language1=Language2 Vocabulary1_Language1=Vocabulary1_Language2 Vocabulary2_Language1=Vocabulary2_Language2 ... e.g.: Chinese=English 你好, nǐ hǎo, ni hao = Hello!, Hi!, How are you? 再见, zài jiàn, zai jian = goodbye, see you again later ... The first line specifies the languages you whish to learn. From the second line on, there are vocabulary pairs. In each line there must be two vocabularies separated by a '=' -character. If a vocabulary has several meanings, each meaning must be separated by a ',' -character. 2.1 Supported platforms and requirements - marmllvoc runs on Linux (tested), Mac OS-X (tested), and other unix- like systems (untested). - marmllvoc consumes near to nill system resources so it runs on almost any machine. - marmllvoc can be used to learn any language, also non ASCII based ones, in which case your console is required to support UTF-8. 2.2 Developers of marmllvoc marmllvoc developer Martin Muellenberg various suggestions Peter Kirk 2.3 Usage You can start marmllvoc by typing in a terminal: "marmllvoc " 3 INSTALLING / UNINSTALLING MARMLLVOC 3.1 Installing source code 1: unpack the package 2: change to the newly created marmllvoc directory 3: ./configure 4: make 5: su 6: make install 7: make clean 3.2 Uninstalling source code 1: change to the marmllvoc directory 2: su 3: make uninstall 3.3 Known problems & solutions If during installation ./configure exits with the error message configure: error: cannot find install-sh, install.sh, or shtool in "." "./.." "./../.." you can solve this under Ubuntu by typing in a console sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autoreconf -f -i -Wall,no-obsolete 4 CONFIGURATION OF MARMLLVOC 4.1 The Configfile If you start marmllvoc the first time the configfile ".marmllvoc" in your home directoy will be created. This file must be in the following structure: keyword "value" All characters between a '#' -character and the line-end will be treated as a comment. 4.1.1 # LANGUAGE SEPARATOR-SECTION The '=' -character separates the the two languages. If there is a different language separator character than '=' in your vocabulary files, you can change this in the marmllvoc configfile "~/.marmllvoc" by changing '=' in the line containing "language_separator "="" to the language separator character of your vocabulary files: e.g.: change language_separator "=" to language_separator "|" 4.1.2 # WORD SEPARATOR-SECTION The ',' -character separates the various meanings of a vocabulary. If there is a different word separator character than ',' in your vocabulary files, you can change this in the marmllvoc configfile "~/.marmllvoc" by changing ',' in the line containing "word_separator ","" to the word separator character of your vocabulary files: e.g.: change word_separator "," to word_separator "." 4.1.3 # TIPMODE-SECTION There are two tipmodes available: "standard" AND "comfort" e.g.: tip_mode "standard" OR tip_mode "comfort" - "standard" The user will have to retype the tip. - "comfort" The tip will be printed in the answer field, so the user just has to type the missing letters of the searched vocabulary. 4.1.4 # CASE SENSITIVE-SECTION Shall marmllvoc distinguish between upper case and lower case ? case_sensitive "yes" OR case_sensitive "no" - "yes" marmllvoc will distinguish between upper case and lower case. - "no" marmllvoc will not distinguish between upper case and lower case. 4.1.5 # CONFIG VERSION-SECTION config_version "1" # don't change this variable ! marmllvoc knows by evaluating the value of config_version, which version of marmllvoc the configfile belongs to. If a new version of marmllvoc is installed this makes it possible to determine if this configfile is fit to work with this version of marmllvoc. If it is not, the old configfile will be saved as ~/.marmllvoc.old and the new one will be created. As you can see at the comment you should NOT change the value ! 5 WHAT'S LEFT TO SAY 5.1 Why does marmllvoc exist ? It's simple: I have started developing marmllvoc, because there is no vocabulary learning program, or I don't know some, if it really exists, that reads in a text file in which the vocabularies are stored in a simple structure. I have already worked with Kvoctrain but it did not appeal me. 5.2 Freedom marmllvoc is free software. "free software" is somewhat related to be- ing "open-source". However, the meaning of "free software" goes further than just that: it is about the freedom of users of software. If you have the time, please read what the free software foundation says about the topics of freedom and software: => http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html 5.3 Bugs If you find a bug please drop me an email: martin.muellenberg@gmail.com 5.4 Feedback If you have something to say about marmllvoc then do so and and email me. Every kind of feedback is welcome: martin.muellenberg@gmail.com 5.5 GPL GNU General Public License marmllvoc is distributed under the conditions of the GPL Version 3 or higher. See COPYING for details.